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Re: [hr-wsis] Fwd: Nominations to IGF Advisory Committee - Info

Hello all,
I agree with you, Meryem, that 3 is a good option, and that it might be best for us to nominate someone, i.e. Rikke for an IGC nomination, and to nominate this person in name of the HR caucus as well.
I strongly feel that it is important to have a qualified HR person on the MAG, and that we should use all possible avenues to achieve this.
To speed matters up, perhaps Rikke could do a self-nomination, because she can give the best information for the nomination, and then those who want to can endorse it?
Thanks, Ginger
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, April 10, 2006 4:55 AM
Subject: [hr-wsis] Fwd: Nominations to IGF Advisory Committee - Info

Hi all,

In addition to these two possibilities below, I forgot to add a third 
(3) The HR caucus recommends its own list of people directly to the IGF.
In fact, the nomination through the nomcom process is an internet 
governance caucus process (although open to others). Its final list 
of recommended people will be people recommended by the IGC. But 
their will certainly be other recommendations by other 
constituencies/ groups/ organizations/individuals.

Frankly, I have no idea what would be best. Maybe (3):
In case someone we want to recommend (e.g. Rikke, but we can add 
others too) is also nominated by the IGC/nomcom, then following way 
(3) may give more chances.

Début du message réexpédié :

> The HR caucus may now proceed in two ways:
> (1) We decide as a caucus, to submit some  names with the required 
> information. This would provide an addition information to the 
> nomcom that it may use (or not) in its selection. This additional 
> information is: "this list of people are supported by the HR 
> caucus". Please note that the selection is however based on the 
> individual capacities of proposed peoples, and this additional 
> information is by no mean a guaranteed "added-value" to the proosal
> or
> (2) We don't do anything, and interested people can apply either by 
> self-submitting their names or by having their names submitted by 
> others. Non self-submission should make sure that the proposed 
> person agrees on his/her nomination. But please keep the caucus 
> informed of any (self-)nomination of/by its members, thanks.

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