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Nominations to IGF Advisory Committee - Info

Dear all,

As you probably know, an IGF Multi-stakeholder Advisory Committee (MAG) will be set up by the UN Secretary General. This announcement is available on the IGF website (

"Advisory Group to be set up to prepare for the first meeting of the IGF
In light of the consultations on the convening of the IGF, held in Geneva on 16 - 17 February 2006, the Secretary-General will set up a multi-stakeholder Advisory Group to assist him in this task. The Group will consist of about forty members, representing governments, private sector and civil society and include members of the academic and technical communities. The members of the group will be chosen in their personal capacity. All stakeholders are invited to submit recommendations for members of the Advisory Group to the IGF secretariat by 18 April ( Relevant intergovernmental organizations are welcome to attend the meetings of the Advisory Group."

As you can see, there is not much information on the role of the MAG, but one can expect that it will start by choosing the priority issues of the IGF, as well as be the major forum for decision making on process, etc. This it is expected to play a major role in all activities related to IGF.

The MAG first meeting will be held in Geneva, on May 22-23, some days after the next IGF consultation meeting to be held on May 19 in the same town.

The CS Internet Governance Caucus (IGC), which de facto acts as a kind of plenary for what relates to internet governance issues and specially the IGF, has started a process to nominate CS participants to the MAG, to be submitted to IGF secretariat. While this is not the only mean for nominating CS participants to the MAG, this nomination process started by the IGC has the advantage of being a joint/ coordinated CS @ WSIS one.

At this step, the IGC has set up a 'nominating committee' (nomcom), made up of 5 randomly chosen CS people out of a list of 34 volunteers. This nomcom will select the 15 CS MAG participants to be recommended to the IGF.
It is now time to propose names to the nomcom. The deadline to propose these names is April 10, 2006.

Avri Doria, from the IGC, has run the process to set up the nomcom. She has now issued a call for proposals, with some criteria, that I am forwarding to this list in a companion message.

The HR caucus may now proceed in two ways:
(1) We decide as a caucus, to submit some names with the required information. This would provide an addition information to the nomcom that it may use (or not) in its selection. This additional information is: "this list of people are supported by the HR caucus". Please note that the selection is however based on the individual capacities of proposed peoples, and this additional information is by no mean a guaranteed "added-value" to the proosal
(2) We don't do anything, and interested people can apply either by self-submitting their names or by having their names submitted by others. Non self-submission should make sure that the proposed person agrees on his/her nomination. But please keep the caucus informed of any (self-)nomination of/by its members, thanks.

In any case, I'd be happy to answer any of your questions on the nomination process, since I'm following this as a member of the IGC.
