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Re: [hr-wsis] Proposals from HR caucus

Thank you Meryen and Rikke.
See you soon.


--- Meryem Marzouki <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Here are the rewriting proposals from the Human
> Rights caucus. 
> Concerned paragraphs of the draft Declaration of
> Principles are: 1, 7, 
> 10, 21-22, 34, 35C, 35D, 38A, 40C, 52.
> NB. Our proposal for article 1 is now officially
> supported by the EU 
> and Canada.
> Meryem and Rikke
> ===============
> Proposals for the Draft Declaration of principles
> Human Rights in the Information Society Caucus
> WSIS PrepCom3 - Geneva, September 16, 2003
> Paragraph 1:
> - Replace current paragraph 1 with the following
> text:
> "We the representatives of the peoples of the world,
> assembled in 
> Geneva from 10-12 December 2003 for the first phase
> of the World Summit 
> on Information Society, declare our common desire
> and commitment to 
> build an information and communication society based
> on human rights 
> and human dignity. With the Charter of the United
> Nations and the 
> Universal Declaration of Human rights as our
> foundation, we reaffirm 
> the universality and the indivisibility of all human
> rights  - civil, 
> political, economic, social and cultural - and we
> recognize their 
> centrality to democracy, the rule of law,
> non-discrimination and 
> sustainable development. Our challenge is to harness
> the potential of 
> the information and communication society to ensure
> that human needs 
> are met and that all human rights are realized. We
> are determined to 
> meet this challenge."
> Paragraph 7:
> - Replace current paragraph 7 with the following
> text:
>   “We seek to build an information and communication
> society that is 
> inclusive, and where all people, without distinction
> of any kind, can 
> achieve their full potential. We will take all
> possible action to 
> promote non-discrimination and diversity in the
> design and realization 
> of the information and communication society. We
> commit to 
> mainstreaming the principles of non-discrimination
> and diversity with 
> regard to gender, age, sexual orientation,
> ethnicity, faith, and 
> disability in all ICT policies, programmes and
> related areas.
> Paragraph 10:
> - Replace the item “The respect for internationally
> recognized human 
> rights and fundamental freedoms” with the following
> text:
>   “The recognition of all human rights and
> fundamental freedoms, 
> including labor standards”.
> - Insert the following new item:
>   “An effective public service, which should remain
> in the hands of 
> democratic and accountable agencies”.
> Paragraph 21-22:
> - Replace first sentence with full reference and
> quote to Article 19 of 
> the Universal Declaration of Human Rights :
>   “As stated in Article 19 of the Universal
> Declaration of Human Rights, 
> everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and
> expression; this right 
> includes freedom to hold opinions without
> interference and to seek, 
> receive and impart information and ideas through any
> media and 
> regardless of frontiers.”
> Paragraph 34:
> - Add a new paragraph 34A at the beginning of
> section  5 addressing 
> privacy
> - Replace current paragraph 34 by new paragraph 34B
> - Delete paragraphs 35C and 35D
> “34A : The right to privacy is a human right and is
> essential for 
> self-determined human development in regard to
> civic, political, social 
> economic and cultural activities. It must be
> protected in public 
> spaces, online, offline, at home and in the
> workplace. Every person 
> must have the right to decide freely whether and in
> what manner he or 
> she wants to receive information and communicate
> with others. The 
> possibility of communicating anonymously must be
> ensured for everyone. 
> The increased use and abuse of personal information
> by the private 
> sector and government, including monitoring,
> surveillance, and 
> discrimination, must be checked and regulated
> legally and 
> technologically. The collection, retention, use and
> disclosure of 
> personal data, no matter by whom, should remain
> under the control of 
> and determined by the individual concerned.”
> “34B : Building a transparent framework including,
> inter alia, 
> dependability, authentication, privacy and consumer
> protection, is a 
> prerequisite for the maturation of the information
> and communication 
> society and for building confidence among all users
> of ICTs. 
> Governments should develop and implement a framework
> of ICT 
> dependability in close cooperation with private
> enterprise, civil 
> society and with international expert bodies in the
> field of ICT 
> dependability, consumer protection and privacy.
> Within this framework, 
> measures to enhance dependability must be consistent
> with international 
> privacy standards. In addition, it must take into
> account the level of 
> social and economic development of each country and
> respect, inter 
> alia, the development-orientation of the Information
> Society.”
> Paragraph 38A:
> - Replace current paragraph 38A with the following
> text:
> “National regulation, in compliance with
> international human rights 
> standards, adhering to the rule of law, is essential
> for building 
> confidence in information and communication society.
> The rights of 
> individuals shall be protected and government
> administration and 
> justice shall be more open, efficient and
> transparent. State 
> regulation, built and enforced in the full respect
> of human rights, is 
> the only way to ensure the reality of the rule of
> law.”
> Paragraph 40C:
> - Replace current paragraph 40C with the following
> text:
> “Intellectual property regimes and international
> agreements on patents, 
> copyright and trademarks should be compliant with
> Article 27 of the 
> Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which
> balances the rights of 
> authors and the rights of all people to participate
> in cultural life, 
> to enjoy arts and to share in scientific advancement
> and its benefits.”
> Paragraph 52:
> - Replace current paragraph 52 with the following
> text:
> “The information and communication society shall be
> subject to 
> universally held values such as justice, solidarity
> and tolerance. The 
> use of ICT shall not undermine the human dignity and
> integrity, human 
> rights and fundamental freedoms of others.”
> Contacts in Geneva for Human Rights Caucus
> Diana Bronson, Rikke Frank Jorgensen, Meryem
> Marzouki
> Web site and mailing list of the HRIS caucus: 
=== message truncated ===

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