IRIS Actions / SMSI / Droits de l'homme - Human Rights

Human Rights in the Information Society (HRIS) Caucus
Comments on paras 1-11 of the Declaration of principle
September 15, 2003

Address to PrepCom3 of September 15-26, 2003, Geneva, Switzerland

In relation to paragraph one, we are asking states to clearly re-affirm their commitment to building a society based on human rights and human dignity. We are asking states to re-affirm in this context the principle of universality and indivisibility of all human rights, both civil and political rights - and social, economic and cultural rights and their centrality for democracy, the rule of law and sustainable development.

In relation to freedom of expression, currently mentioned in paragraph 1 and 7, we are urging states to quote and reference Article 19 in full length.

In relation to paragraph seven, we are urging states to mainstream a principle of non-discrimination and diversity in all ICT policy areas and actions. The principle of non-discrimination and diversity with regard to gender, age, sexual orientation, ethnicity, faith and disability is crucial in order to make the inclusive information society a reality.

In relation to paragraph ten, we are asking states to include not only respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms but also for labor standards, as a guarantee for secure working conditions. Finally, we are asking states to include in paragraph 10 the need for effective public service in the hands of democratic and accountable agencies.

Contacts in Geneva for Human Rights Caucus
Diana Bronson, Rikke Frank Jorgensen, Meryem Marzouki
Web site and mailing list of the HRIS caucus:

(dernière mise à jour le 18/12/2004) -