De : Meryem Marzouki <>
Date : 12 avril 2006 15:03:21 HAEC
À :
Cc :, Rikke Frank Joergensen
<>, Robin Gross <>
Objet : HR Caucus nominations for the MAG through IGC nomcom
Dear IGC nomcom members,
Please find below information on the two candidates the WSIS CS HR
Caucus would like to recommend for your consideration, in view of
the nomination of IGC list of candidates to the MAG.
These two candidates are: Rikke Frank Joergensen and Robin D. Gross
Don't hesitate to contact me in case you need additional information.
Best regards,
Meryem Marzouki
WSIS CS HR Caucus Co-chair
Name: Rikke Frank Joergensen
Name of nominator (or self): WSIS Civil Society Human Rights Caucus
(contact: Meryem Marzouki, co-chair,
Nationality: Danish
Country of Residence: Denmark
Gender: Female
Short Bio relevant to IG:
Rikke Frank Jørgensen is employed as Special Adviser at The Danish
Institute for Human Rights working with national human rights
protection. She was adviser to the Danish Delegation to the World
Summit on the Information Society (2003-2005) and is co-coordinator
of the WSIS civil society's human rights caucus. In 2000 she co-
founded the Danish NGO Digital Rights, and is currently on their
board. She also serves on the board of European Digital Rights, and
the Advisory Board of Privacy International. Rikke Frank Jørgensen
has authored a number of articles and presentations on human rights
implications of the information society, and is editor of the
forthcoming "Human Rights in the Global Information Society" (MIT
Press May 2006).
Rikke Frank Jørgensen has previously been employed as a special
adviser in the Danish Ministry of Science and Technology, dealing
with the social impacts of information technology. Rikke holds a
Master in Information Science and a European Master in Human Rights
and Democratization, specializing in Internet and freedom of
Why the (self) nominee is a good choice for the MAG:
The WSIS Civil Society Human Rights Caucus, which includes more
than 65 members, international and national civil society
organizations from all around the world, has been one of the most
active CS constituencies during WSIS both phases. It has decided to
remain involved, as a caucus, in post-WSIS developments, to ensure
that the WSIS commitment to an information society respecting and
protecting human rights and the rule of law will also be the
guiding principle for the governance of this information society.
The caucus contribution to IGF substantive agenda setting has been
proposed in this light.
As a caucus co-chair since its creation in 2002, and willing to
serve on the MAG, Rikke Frank Jørgensen will be able to help the
IGF put into practice, in the information society context, the
interrelation and interdependence of all human rights, civil and
political rights as well as economic, social and cultural rights,
and the right to development.
Willingness to serve on MAG:
Name: Robin D. Gross
Name of nominator (or self): WSIS Civil Society Human Rights Caucus
(contact: Meryem Marzouki, co-chair,
Nationality: US citizen
Country of Residence: United States
Gender: Female
Short Bio relevant to IG:
Robin D. Gross is an attorney in San Francisco, California. She is
the Founder and Executive Directive of IP Justice an international
civil liberties organization that promotes balanced intellectual
property law and protects freedom of expression. Ms. Gross advises
policy makers throughout the world on the impact of intellectual
property rules in national legislatures, international treaties,
and trade agreements. Before founding IP Justice in 2002, Ms. Gross
was the first Staff Attorney for Intellectual Property with cyber-
liberties organization the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF),
where she began the group’s campaign in intellectual property
issues in 1999.
Ms. Gross teaches international copyright law at Santa Clara
University, where she also serves as a member of the Santa Clara
University School of Law High Technology Legal Advisory Board.
Ms. Gross is a Member of the ICANN GNSO Policy Council,
representing the Non-Commercial Users Constituency (NCUC). She sits
on the Board of Directors for the Union for the Public Domain, a
nonprofit organization in Washington, D.C. that is dedicated to
protecting the public domain.
A graduate of Santa Clara University’s High Technology Law Program,
Ms. Gross is licensed to practice law in California. A Michigan
native, she graduated from Michigan State University’s James
Madison College in 1995 with degrees in political philosophy and
international relations.
Why the (self) nominee is a good choice for the MAG:
Robin D. Gross has been working to protect digital rights since
1999 and has developed a fundamental understanding of the key
policy and technical issues in the online world.
She has been an active participant of both phases of the World
Summit of the Information Society (WSIS). She is a participant of
the WSIS Civil Society Patents, Copyrights, and Trademarks (PCT)
Working Group and the WSIS Human Rights Caucus. Her additional
experience at ICANN as representative of NCUC and at WIPO as a
civil society observer, makes her a particularly good candidate to
help deal with Internet governance issues towards the global public
interest, inclusion, and respect of civil rights, in line with the
WSIS Civil Society Human Rights caucus recommendations.
Willingness to serve on MAG:
Meryem Marzouki -
IRIS - Imaginons un réseau Internet solidaire
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