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[EN] Please keep Signing in Support of Human Rights in China Accreditation to WSIS
Hi all,
Since many of you may have missed the first call for signatures sent
during PrepCom2, this is reminder of a petition initiated by the human
rights caucus in support of Human Rights in China (HRIC) Accreditation
to WSIS. If you're not one of the 40 organizations that already signed,
please add the signature of your organization in support of HRIC,
providing its country/region of operation and website URL if any.
Signatory organizations are not necessarily only those accredited to
Signatures should be sent ASAP to : Meryem.Marzouki@iris.sgdg.org
The petition and signatures will then be sent to Mr Geiger, head of
WSIS executif secretariat, so that it can be added to HRIC
accreditation file, as well as to Ambassador Karklins (president of
WSIS 2nd phase process), and certainly head of government delegations,
including China.
Please feel free to redistribute the petition and this message to other
contacts and mailing lists.
The petition is online at:
Below you'll find the text of the petition. Signatures received so far
Ambedkar Centre for Justice and Peace, India - www.ambedkar.org
Article 19, International - www.article19.org
Asian Human Rights Commission, Hong Kong - www.ahrchk.net
Asociación de las Naciones Unidas en Venezuela (ANUV), Venezuela -
Association des archivistes suisses (AAS), Switzerland
Associazione per la libertà nella comunicazione elletronica interattiva
(ALCEI), Italy - www.alcei.it
Biens publics à l'échelle mondiale (BPEM), France - www.bpem.org
Carrefour mondial de l'internet citoyen (CMIC), Canada -
Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT), USA - www.cdt.org
Centre africain d'échange culturel (CAFEC), Democratic Republic of
Congo - wsisdrc.gn.apc.org
Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR), International
- www.cpsr.org
Digital Rights Denmark, Denmark - www.digitalrights.dk
Fédération internationale des ligues des droits de l'homme (FIDH),
International - www.fidh.org
Foundation for Media Alternatives (FMA), Philippines - www.fma.ph
Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions, Hong Kong - www.hkctu.org.hk
Humanist Institute for Development Co-operation (HIVOS), The
Netherlands - www.hivos.nl
Human Rights First, USA - www.humanrightsfirst.org
Human Rights Watch (HRW), International - www.hrw.org
Imaginons un réseau Internet solidaire (IRIS), France -
Impressum, Fédération suisse des journalistes (FSJ), Switzerland -
InfoSud, Switzerland - www.infosud.org
International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ), International -
International PEN, International - www.internationalpen.org.uk
Internet and Public Policy Project (IP3), Georgia Institute of
Technology, USA - www.ip3.gatech.edu
IP Justice, International - www.ipjustice.org
Japan Computer Access for Empowerment (JCAFE), Japan - www.jcafe.net
Jonction, Senegal - www.espacemetis.org/organizations/51
Ligue tunisienne des droits de l'homme (LTDH), Tunisia - www.ltdh.org
National Endowment for Democracy (NED), USA - www.ned.org
Netzwerk Neue Medien, Germany - www.nnm-ev.de
Observatoire des Usages de l'Internet (OUI), France - oui.net
Organisation mondiale contre la torture (OMCT), International -
Pain pour le Prochain (Bread for All), Switzerland - www.ppp.ch
Privacy International (PI), International - www.privacyinternational.org
Reporters sans Frontières (RSF), International - www.rsf.org
Swiss Coalition of Development Organisations, Switzerland -
VIBE!AT, Austria - www.vibe.at
World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC),
International - www.amarc.org
World Catholic Association for Comunication (SIGNIS), International -
World Press Freedom Committee (WPFC), International - www.wpfc.org
Text of the petition:
in Support of Human Rights in China (HRIC) Accreditation to WSIS
February 18, 2005
The civil society organizations present in Geneva for PrepCom2 of the
second phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) have
learnt that Human Rights in China (HRIC) was not on the list of NGOs
recommended for accreditation, due to concerns expressed by the Mission
of the People's Republic of China. This is the second time HRIC has not
been put forward for WSIS accreditation.
HRIC is an international monitoring and advocacy non-governmental
organization based in New York and Hong Kong. Founded in March 1989 by
Chinese scientists and scholars, it conducts research, education and
outreach programs to promote universally recognized human rights and
advance the institutional protection of these rights in the People's
Republic of China.
A member of the WSIS civil society human rights caucus, HRIC has
15-year record of working constructively in areas relevant to WSIS.
HRIC is an active and constructive contributor to multilateral and
bilateral processes, including the WTO, the Berne Process, and the
EU-China Dialogue Human Rights Seminars. HRIC has been present in the
WSIS process, since its first phase and including in this PrepCom2, as
an affiliate NGO of the International Federation of Human Rights
Leagues (FIDH). Its participation and contributions have been highly
appreciated by governments and civil society.
The undersigned civil society organizations consider that the exclusion
of an independent and critical voice such as HRIC raises serious
concerns about the inclusiveness, the transparency and the legitimacy
of the WSIS process.
As HRIC is again applying for accreditation to PrepCom3 of WSIS second
phase, the undersigned civil society organizations express their
support to HRIC and call to ensure that the future review of HRIC and
any NGO accreditation application be fairly conducted and not be
subject to a politicized intervention.
Petition proposed for signatures by the WSIS civil society Human
Rights Caucus. For more information, see:
- HRIC: www.hrichina.org
- FIDH: www.fidh.org
- HR Caucus: www.iris.sgdg.org/actions/smsi/hr-wsis
Please send signatures to HR caucus coordinators, Rikke Frank Jorgensen
(DIHR, Denmark) and Meryem Marzouki (IRIS, France) to the following
mail address: Meryem.Marzouki@iris.sgdg.org
Meryem Marzouki - http://www.iris.sgdg.org
IRIS - Imaginons un réseau Internet solidaire
294 rue de Charenton - 75012 Paris
Tel/Fax. +33(0)144749239