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RE: [hr-wsis] CS press conference

very good intervention. I look forward at the meeting tomorrow.


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-----Message d'origine-----
De : Rikke Frank Joergensen []
Envoyé : 16 février 2005 11:52
À :
Objet : [hr-wsis] CS press conference

Fyi, my draft speech on HR from the CS press meeting this afternoon.


PRESS CONFERENCE 16 FEBRUARY 2005 ? Salle de Presse no. 3 at 16.00

Panel: Vittorio (IG), Chantal (Financing), Titi (General issues), Rikke (HR)

HR Caucus: 55 members, focus on both CPR and ESCR.

HR and social justice the main issue for CS during first phase
-	a long struggle
-	link btw HR and development

Main concerns at this stage:

1. Formal commitment v. effective implementation, HR education etc.
Political chapeau and operational part
- not only about reference to UDHR in first para.
- overly focused on infrastructure, technical aspects
- enabling.. for whom?

2. Lack of concrete measures
- HR standards should be the benchmarks by which we measure progress and by
which we review state legislation and policies
- i.e. media pluralism, economic and social development, access to health
and education, freedom of assembly, freedom from censorship and

3. WGIG issue papers (consumer privacy, cybercrime, unlawfull content etc)
- many HR misconceptions
- need to ensure that HR and the rule of law are the main benchmarks in
evaluating IG mechanisms

4. Accreditation
- there a recognized NGOs such as HRIC that are still denied accreditation
due to lack of formal recognition from the Chinese government

5. Concerns with regard to the WSIS host country:  Two missions have taken
place. One of them will be reported tomorrow at a meeting arranged by the HR
Caucus, 3 issues: General HR concern at this stage, HR in china, report from
mission to Tunisia organized by FIDH.


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