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Nominations for the general debate

[To the speakers list: Sorry for the delay, I've problems with the SMTP
server, so I'm now using a webmail]

Hi all,

It seems that sending long messages isn't the best way to have them
discussed. I'm then reposting my proposal on the nominations for the
general debate (NOT Opening or Round-Tables):

"- Should the participating CS organizations nominate speakers for the
general debate ?
My own answer is yes, but only if the following process is adopted.
Although CS nominations are subject to acceptance or refusal by the
executive secretariat and the ITU, and although during the Summit there
wouldn't be any chance to see the Declaration and Plan of action
modified, this general debate could be seen by CS just like the PrepComs
and Intersessions plenaries, and it could be the occasion to present our
conclusions on the Summit official texts, process and follow-up. To this
end, these CS speakers for declarations during the general debate should
be nominated following exactly the same process as for the PrepComs and
Intersessions: each caucus should have a chance to tell its conclusions.
The Content and Themes groups should be in charge of coordinating these
nominations, and propose relevant merging if there are more proposals
than speaking slots.
The compilation of such declarations by caucuses could be a very good
alternative declaration from CS."

Thus, I would like to have your comments on that.
