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Welcoming new members

Hi all,

Let's welcome the following new members of our Human Rights caucus, 
whose representatives are now on our discussion list:
- Académie africaine pour la paix (AAP) - Djely Samoura
- Auditoria Democratica - Francisco Lopez Bermudez 
- Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC) - Bazlur 
- Comité international pour le respect et l'application de la Charte 
africaine des droits de l'homme et des peuples (CIRAC) - Maluza Wa 
Mavula, Berhane Tewelde-Medhin
- Femmes Africa Solidarité - Ilka Bailey-Wiebecke
- LifeTag (Nigeria) - Tony Erha
- PEN Club - Fawzia Assaad

Please don't forget our HR caucus meeting on Monday September 22d.

Best regards,

Meryem Marzouki -
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