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SIgning letter to OHCHR

I've asked Rik for the deadline to sending a letter to OHCHR, and what 
he thinks about the point raised by Diana. here's his answer.
Please indicate on this list ASAP if your organization is willing to 
sign (provide name, website and contact person).
IRIS is signing on.

Début du message réexpédié :

> De: Rik Panganiban <>
> Date: Ven 30 mai 2003  12:53:06 Europe/Paris
> À: Meryem Marzouki <>
> Objet: Rép : sign-on letter: Get de Mello to attend Sept Prepcom!
> Hi Meryem,
> Thanks for considering this.
> I think strategically we should shoot for the top person.  Let De 
> Mello decide if he wants to send one of his deputies.
> My understanding from talking to OHCHR staff is that the sooner the 
> better, so De Mello can get it on his calendar.  Also it gives our 
> friends in the OHCHR more evidence to use in pressuring him to attend 
> from the inside.
> Rik