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Inputs from Human Rights Caucus

Hi all,

Caucuses have been asked to provide short inputs to the civil society 
common document, currently being drafted in Geneva by the Content and 
Themes working group. Since I have to leave tomorrow morning, here are 
some inputs that should be included in the final document.

The Human Rights Caucus has been set up during PrepCom1, in order to put 
Human Rights on the agenda of the WSIS and to precisely translate them 
within the specific framework of information and communication, in order 
to build a common vision of this society.

Human Rights are intended, as defined in the UNDH, the International 
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the International Covenant 
on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, as civil and political rights 
of citizens, as well as their economic, cultural and social rights.

Although freedom of expression and of opinion are referred to in some - 
but not all - regional conference declarations, Human Rights as a 
general reference framework is still missing in all the documents 
related to the WSIS, including in the current versions of the draft 
civil society document.


Inputs from the "Human Rights in the Information Society" Caucus:

Human rights must be the cornerstone of all developments in information 
and communication societies. The principles of the United Nations 
Millennium Declaration, and especially those laid down in its sections I 
and V ("Values and Principles" and "Human rights, democracy and good 
governance") constitute the framework for evaluating these developments.

Building information and communication societies from a rights 
perspective implies putting human rights and human dignity of today’s 
global citizens and future generations above technological 
considerations or the commercial producer-consumer relationship.

The information and communication society should fully respect and 
uphold democracy and the rule of law as well as all internationally 
recognized human rights and fundamental freedoms.

Therefore, the goal of WSIS should be achieved in reference to the human 
rights framework established by the United Nations and regional 
protection systems, as articulated in the Universal Declaration of Human 
Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural 
Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and 
other international instruments adopted by member states.

The final Declaration and plan of action should include a direct 
reference to the UN Human Rights framework, as proposed above.